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When Does Healing Begin?

Writer's picture: VLC ChiropracticVLC Chiropractic

Surprisingly, it doesn’t begin when you get a diagnosis and get treated.  It begins when the patient decides to pick up the phone and make an appointment.  Healing begins right there. At THAT point, the decision to heal has been made.  Your brain will shift into healing from wherever it was before.

The author, Bruce Lipton, PhD, in his book, The Biology of Belief, goes further into the mechanisms of healing.  He argues healing is largely controlled by the subconscious mind.   I need to take a moment and differentiate what we call the brain or nervous system in here and the mind.  The two are like your computer on your desk and the software and data running on it.  The mind is your program if you will, using and running on the accumulation of data (experiences) over the course of your lifetime. The brain is the hardware. And, to digress for a minute, a chiropractic adjustment clears the hardware. Defrag's the harddrive and cleans up unnecessary programs running sucking up memory getting in the way of running the actual program that is you.

Dr. Lipton espouses the principle that the mind is in control of healing.  We say the same thing in here, though we call it innate intelligence in chiropractic.  That inborn intelligence that runs you and makes you, you. 

I was on a conference call with Dr. Lipton many years ago during which he explained that people don’t even need to come into my office, but for the fact that our collective experience has taught us (both me and the patient) it’s necessary to effect whatever outcome we are after.  In this case, move a bone to remove nerve interference which interferes with the mind’s or innate intelligence’s expression of life.  Yes, he thinks the whole thing from examination to x-rays to literally the adjustment is only necessary because we’ve grown up believing in the physicality of our universe.   If we had grown up understanding and experiencing the energy of the universe and ourselves, we’d have it solved before needing to pick up the phone.

I asked him, why then, if this is true, do people need to come to my office to get adjusted?  Why can’t they just ‘decide’ to correct their own subluxation?   Or at worst, I could envision them healthy from over the phone and solve the problem without the trip here.   He said, “Well, we haven’t evolved to that level as a species yet.  YOU believe it is necessary put your hands on and move the bone and THEY believe it is necessary, so it is.”

This conversation was somewhere around 1997.   Dr. Lipton is a cell biologist who has approached the matter from studying things like muscular dystrophy and stem cells.  He went against the grain of dominant theories about health that genes are in control of everything by delving into the control of the genes inside the cells.  What causes the gene to express if you will, or what is called epigenetics.  He believes that the cell membrane communicates energetically with its environment and THAT signals genes inside the cell to express or suppress. 

When I say energetically, that takes into account everything from the chemical messaging we all have accepted via the nervous system, PLUS energy fields around us, chemicals we are being bathed in from agriculture and pharm and intrinsic hormones and chemicals generated from our emotions and thoughts.

This field of study is the future.  Not too many years from now, the era of antidepressants, anti-biotics, anti-hypertensives… anti-everything, will be regarded as we currently think of bloodletting and leeches.  Ineffective and outdated.

It will be replaced by a more wholistic understanding of biology and the cause of health and disease.   A simple example is the notion that germs cause disease.  We were all taught  Koch’s Postulates in school (you don't know the name, Koch, but you learned it anyway) An 1884 view of health that has been the dominant driver of our disease system ever since then.  A quick review for you nurses and medical school grads reading.  Koch’s theory states, the causative pathogen will be found in the sick, cultured in a petri dish, introduced into a healthy person, and they will get sick.  We accept this theory at face value as the cause of disease or health.

Except, we all saw what happened with the C19 story.  Never mind how it came to be, let’s just accept that it’s a pathogen that would fit nicely into Koch’s model.  The virus enters, infects, makes one sick, makes copies and spreads to others, making others sick.   Seems like a perfect model.

What about the people who are exposed and do NOT allow it to set up shop, make copies of itself and make them sick?  Just lucky?  Koch violators!!!

There’s more to the story than Dr. Koch postulated.   Dr. Lipton may be closer to the truth. One thing I noticed over the last 4 years of epidemic is the people who already had a mindset of health, in other words, already understood what health is and habitually did things that were healthy to keep themselves healthy, fared far better than the rest of the population with respect to C19.   People who believe that there was nothing they could do, well, did nothing.   Because they believed the germ was going to catch up with them no matter what, and there’s nothing besides wearing a mask and staying away from others that could possibly prevent it, well, they didn’t do as well.  Masks nor 6 feet could protect them.

Protection after all, is an inside job.  Not bubble wrapping yourself from the universe.

The irony in that example is the people in the latter category believe their misery was brought on them by the people in the former category.  But health is found within. Nobody can take it from you except you.  Nobody can give it to you except you.  You can’t inject it, swallow it, implant it or otherwise have something done to you that makes you healthy.

Everyone can be healthy.  It’s a worldview about how it works though that must be adopted.  Indeed, our culture indoctrinates us from birth with a Koch’s Postulates’ worldview.  We will be trapped there forever until we start looking at things differently.   We are actually energy or spiritual beings having a physical experience.  But the energy controls the physical not the other way around. Koch represents physicality only.  Look around.  The amazing thing that is our world, nature, mountains, the way a dang weed grows in the crack of your sidewalk, that’s not as simple as the physical.  There’s a higher power at work that put you here, right now, right here.  We need to start acting as if we are the most powerfully evolved beings that ever inhabited the planet.  Not the scared, timid, “the world is trying to kill us and we need a prescription, a mask, a hideaway… to protect ourselves” mice that the healthcare system wants you to believe.  Heck, not just the healthcare system, largely what our government has become is a mechanism for fostering helplessness in all matters, education, housing, transportation.. whatever.  All extensions of “I’m not good enough to ____” . 

Well, I was put here to tell you otherwise.  You ARE good enough.  You ARE strong enough.  You ARE smart enough.  You are ENOUGH !


Dr. B


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