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"YOU should be in charge of your destiny. If you choose, fine. It’s not OK for someone else to make these choices for you."


The Health Freedom Workshop last night was a success. The decisions you make determine your future and we believe you should be able to make them freely. Free from pressure from government, schools, your doctors, or neighbors.

We respect everyone’s right to choose their path for health, whether that’s chemo or no chemo for cancer. Work out or no workouts. Vaccine or no vaccines (and again, you do NOT need to vaccinate to attend school in MN). Polyunsaturated fat or olive oil. Skittles or grapes. Whatever you choose.

These everyday choices cumulatively create your experience of health. Getting sick for the most part is no mystery. It’s just the inability to adapt to the environment. The environment always includes viruses, bacteria, gravity, acceleration forces, repetitive stress, irritating bosses, unsupportive spouses, financial stress…all of it requires the ability to adapt without breaking down. That’s health. It is simply your ability to interact with and adapt to the demands of your environment. It stands to reason that our choices in food, recreation, sleep, exercise, things we take for supplements, medications, who we hang out with, what we do for work, etc…all of the choices we make, impact our ability to adapt to the environment. That makes sense, right? And we support everyone’s right to choose. There are “wrong” choices only if healthy is your goal. There are no wrong choices if health isn’t the goal. That’s what we mean by no judgement.

"Getting sick for the most part is no mystery. It’s just the inability to adapt to the environment. The environment always includes viruses, bacteria, gravity, acceleration forces, repetitive stress, irritating bosses, unsupportive spouses, financial stress…all of it requires the ability to adapt without breaking down. That’s health."

We have people here who aren’t terribly interested in health, but they still have a level of performance that they are comfortable with. Like being able to go to work, or sleep at night. We help people do that. And we help people accomplish Olympic dreams and live to 100. It’s important that it’s YOUR choice.

What doesn’t make sense is having someone else make those decisions for you or your child. Once you learn that eating candy every day makes it very hard for your pancreas to keep pumping out insulin and harder still for your cells to respond to that insulin, you might make a different choice about eating candy. Maybe you wouldn’t, it is always up to you. But, having the government demand that you eat the candy, with the potential for type 2 diabetes… that’s just not OK. We will take a stand against it and your right to choose. Having the government determine where you live, what you drive, where you go to school, where you are allowed to work (remember the mandates?), that’s just not OK.

YOU should be in charge of your destiny. If you choose, fine. It’s not OK for someone else to make these choices for you.

What we do here is help people learn how choices affect their health. We teach them how to make choices that cause health and avoid choices that cause disease. That makes it easier for you to make you healthier. We can’t do it for you. It also may surprise you to learn, not everyone wants to be healthy. Everyone SAYS they want to be healthy. But what you DO tells the story. What you measure and work on improves. If you don’t work at it, it’s not going to improve. It will in fact, deteriorate. This is true of your health, your marriage, your expertise at your job, your parenting, your athletic skills, your musical skills…pretty much everything you want to be better at you must study and work at.

We love everyone that comes here and will support your choices in whichever manner we can. We really love that families work towards learning about how choices affect their ability to be healthy and then make choices that move them in that direction. Why? Because healthy people impact the world around them and make a positive difference. Sick people do not. We want to help people impact the world and leave their mark.

"Because healthy people impact the world around them and make a positive difference. Sick people do not. We want to help people impact the world and leave their mark."

We understand not everyone can or is able to, depending on the season of life. That’s OK. Don’t beat yourself up. Accept where you are, do what you can. Again, there’s no judgement here. I’ve been around long enough to see all the seasons. We will support your path. But we don’t lie to people about the effects of choosing candy rather than brussels sprouts. But as my mother-in-law said to me at the end of her life (I had been working with her helping to keep her out of surgeries and the hospital for 25 years from 63 to 87 years old by helping her make better choices), “I just want to eat the pie!” I get it, Martha. That’s your choice. And from where she was lying, that made perfect sense. There was no use lying about the possibility she’d recover. She was at the end. So, she made the choice at that point in her life that health wasn’t as important as enjoying pie at this very moment, when there wasn’t going to be too many moments left no matter whether she ate the pie or had more fish oil and protein shake. So, with the end of life in sight any day, it wasn’t worth her effort and enjoying life’s moment was her choice right there. I get it Martha. Eat the pie. If that’s you, and you truly have reached the end of your tenure, we’ll support you in eating the pie as well. If you haven’t, we’ll try our best to help you get healthier. So, you can be the best, most vibrant you that you were destined to be. It’s about freedom to choose.


Dr. Barrett

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